Monday, 29 February 2016

Plan of attack

My main focus this year is to re brand and re fit Design Studio of Havelock North. They are a small gold winning business who offer these skillsets.

After quick consultation with Willy Ranapiri (Owner) and Natalie Rogers (Co-Owner) I was able to pitch a verbal brand and space rejuvenation for their business. They were happy to agree and would like to see what the brief is. 

On Wednesday the 17th of February I was able to arrange a meeting with Willy for a few Q's and A's. Which will be the starting point of my project and will help me throughout. 

1. First of all, who are you?

Willy Ranapiri and Natalie Rogers. We are the founders and owners of Design Studio (EST 2001) located on Te Mata Road, Havelock North. We are a small team of 5 that are innovative in the advertising industry that reflects the high calibre of cliental. From initial design to complete construction and installation with our total in house portfolio. 

2. Who are your clients?

Commercial and private business, examples of these are

-Hillmac electrical
-Geneva health care
-Polaris AU
-Hawkes Bay Regioanl Council

These business' are only a fraction of who we deal with. We have had many business' all over Hawkes Bay and NZ who acquire our skill sets over the past 15 years

3. Do you work nationally or internationally?

- Full house projects are only national. Some design and photography are international. We try to stay local to support the community.

4. What is your Philosophy?

- Do it right first time
- Work smart
- Professionalism
- Local
- Ethical working business
- Constant community support

5. What are you happy with?

- Life style
- Locally owned
- Opportunity to create outside-the-square projects
- Unique

6. What are your pain points?

- Coorporate wheels are slow to turn
- Conflicts with large communities 
- Too small
- Not on main road
- Technology outdated
- Storage
- Modern
- Client space, car parks
- Branding through multi media, website, vehicle, brochure, cards - biggest down point
- Payments are hard with corporate companies

7. What are your main requirements regarding the rejuvenation?

- Reflections on the pain points, we would like to see as many as those pain points dealt to.

8. What would you view a success in this transition.

- New modern aesthetic
- Larger format
- New branding through multi media
- Enhance productivity
- Managing smoothly
- Pain points dealt with

9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

- Grow and continue to help the community
- Potentially turn international. grow larger but still give back
- Keep up with the modern times. 

This Q's and A's I will be able to continuously reflect on as specifications. Regular client interaction is key in my project

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Week Two. Mini Project

From 'plan your life' we have been asked to instigate, integrate and augment our creative directions. We are to create a response to our chosen work through practical, immediate, and exploratory investigation influenced by a given artist. 

My chosen artist in this case is Cai Guo Quaing. Cai is a chines contemporary artist living in new york well known for his influential detailed chines art work, including 'pop-up art' which is the style of work I am looking at for this '3 day brief.'

Below is some of Cai's work which influenced me to create my pop up model.

These works of art created by Cai had influenced me to create this working model below, which clearly outlines and responds the line of work I am doing in my major project old vs new through brand and space 

Brand can be seen in the typography, Space can be seen in the historical/modern contact of architecture.

Week One. Plan Your Life

Presentation 'Plan Your Life'

After being comfortably introduced in to the level 7 programme BVAD. It was all underway. After brief introduction to what the year is going to be about, Studio Project most stood out to me.

The first week consisted of research and 'planning your life.' After doing some drafted ideas, as seen in my messy studio below, I was able to come up with a quick 2 minute presentation to present to the lecturers and receive their feedback.

Presentation Slides

The use of space and brand identity is going to be my main focus for this year

So, First initial idea is to create or redo a space for a given brand - example, rebuild a current brand company in Hawkes Bay

OR redo the current branding for an existing space.

This could lead me to fully rejuvenating a brand and a space as a whole

How am I going to do this? - research now and then, old vs new. To look at current modern interior spatial designers as influences. How can I make the transition in my own unique way?

Also the same with a specific brand, how can I redo or modernise a brand through use of different trans medias? first by finding a client that fits the 'up in the air' brief.

2017 is a reflection of 2016, So out of this year I would like to acquire the below point, and in 2017 I would like to continue contracting for the current design/applicating companies I have worked for in the past - and pick up full time work - nationally or internationally. 

To do all of this I need to follow my specific timeline, working on track at a good but capable pace.

Key words for this year.